Abstract: This paper presents the influence of complex engineering geological and geotechnical ground conditions on the selection of combined measures for the rehabilitation of landslide on the main road M5. Field and laboratory investigations were conducted to determine the engineering geological and geotechnical conditions of the site. The road is situated on a relatively high embankment within the landslide area, under which a culvert channels a natural stream. The geological substrate is found quite deep, 7 to 8 meters below the surface. Beneath the road, there is a mixture of fill materials of different qualities, indicating that a railway used to run along this route in the past. The slope below the road is relatively steep, approximately 10 meters in height, with a poorly maintained stone wall at its base. The fundamental concept of the proposed solution involves the construction of a support structure comprising piles, a head beam, and a reinforced concrete wall. The designed rehabilitation measures ensure the stability and functionality of the roadway.

Keywords: engineering geological and geotechnical conditions, landslide, investigation works, remediation, drilled piles

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