ISSN 2232-9080


ISSN 2232-9080      DOI: 10.47960/2232-9080


No. 21, June 2021, Vol. 11


Dear readers,

This is the 21st issue of e-ZBORNIK, Electronic Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. This issue also marks ten full years of publishing of e-ZBORNIK, the first issue of which was published in June 2011.
Although at the very beginning e-ZBORNIK was intended for publishing papers resulting from topics of Scientific Hours held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, student papers based on topics presented at domestic and international conferences, as well as presenting graduation theses defended at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, e-ZBORNIK gained its present status through efforts of all previous editors and editorial boards. With their dedicated work throughout the ten years e-ZBORNIK's presence, the previous editors Maja Prskalo, Ph.D, Ivana Domljan, Ph.D, Mladen Kožul, Ph.D, and Mirna Raič, Ph.D with editorial boards, have achieved its inclusion in the journal databases EBSCO, Hrčak, DOI (CrossRef) and DOAJ.
The journal publishes scientific and professional papers in the field of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning, environmental protection, geodesy, technical sciences, and related fields. e-ZBORNIK is published in Croatian and English, and all papers (both scientific and professional) are reviewed with a double-blind review.
In bibliographic terms, the journal is identified by the following data: ISSN 2232-9080 (online edition) and DOI: 10.47960/2232-9080.
This issue brings out scientific and professional papers dealing with different topics in the field of civil engineering and other technical sciences. The topics treated are related to the analysis of prestressed beams, models of masonry structures, modeling of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifer, use of Herzegovinian dolomites as dimension stone, the role of higher education libraries in promoting sustainable development, and urban design Karaotok, Hutovo Blato Nature Park.

I would invite all interested authors to send their papers for the next 22nd issue which is expected to be published in December 2021.

Respectfully yours,
Mirna Raič, e-ZBORNIK Editor-in-Chief


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